(PECL quickhash >= 未知)
QuickHashIntStringHash::loadFromFile — 此工厂方法从文件创建一个哈希表
, int $size
= 0, int $options
= 0): QuickHashIntStringHash此工厂方法从磁盘上的定义文件创建一个新的哈希表。文件格式由签名'QH\0x12\0'
、元素数量(以系统字节序表示的 32 位有符号整数)、包含后续元素数据字符数的 32 位无符号整数组成。此元素数据包含所有字符串。在头和字符串之后,元素以两个 32 位无符号整数对的形式出现,其中第一个是键,第二个是元素数据字符串中的索引。一个例子可能是
示例 #1 QuickHash IntString 文件格式
00000000 51 48 12 00 02 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 4f 4e 45 00 |QH..........ONE.| 00000010 4e 49 4e 45 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 |NINE............| 00000020 00 04 00 00 00 |.....| 00000025
示例 #2 QuickHash IntString 文件格式
header signature ('QH'; key type: 1; value type: 2; filler: \0x00) 00000000 51 48 12 00 number of elements: 00000004 02 00 00 00 length of string values (9 characters): 00000008 09 00 00 00 string values: 0000000C 4f 4e 45 00 4e 49 4e 45 00 data string: 00000015 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 key/value 1 (key = 1, string index = 0 ("ONE")): 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 key/value 2 (key = 3, string index = 4 ("NINE")): 03 00 00 00 04 00 00 00
要配置的桶列表数量。您传入的数字将自动向上舍入到下一个 2 的幂。它也自动限制在4
与类构造函数相同的选项;除了 size 选项被忽略。它会自动计算为与哈希表中的条目数量相同,向上舍入到最接近的 2 的幂,最大限制为4194304
示例 #3 QuickHashIntStringHash::loadFromFile() 示例
$file = dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/simple.string.hash";
$hash = QuickHashIntStringHash::loadFromFile(
foreach( range( 0, 0x0f ) as $key )
printf( "Key %3d (%2x) is %s\n",
$key, $key,
$hash->exists( $key ) ? 'set' : 'unset'
Key 0 ( 0) is unset Key 1 ( 1) is set Key 2 ( 2) is set Key 3 ( 3) is set Key 4 ( 4) is unset Key 5 ( 5) is set Key 6 ( 6) is unset Key 7 ( 7) is set Key 8 ( 8) is unset Key 9 ( 9) is unset Key 10 ( a) is unset Key 11 ( b) is set Key 12 ( c) is unset Key 13 ( d) is set Key 14 ( e) is unset Key 15 ( f) is unset